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7 Reasons A Sleeve Gastrectomy Is Better Than A Diet

Sleeve Gastrectomy

A sleeve gastrectomy is a weight loss surgery that can be done either through the abdomen or laparoscopically. The procedure removes a part of your stomach and causes you to feel full more quickly. This may sound scary, but this surgery has been proven to be safer than other weight-loss surgeries, with fewer complications and quicker recovery time. Here are seven reasons why it’s better than just dieting:

Fewer Foods Are Excluded From Your Diet

One of the benefits of gastric sleeve surgery over a diet is that you can eat most anything-you just need to learn how to do it in moderation. For example, if you are someone who loves pizza, you can eat it occasionally. However, this doesn’t mean that your Diet After Gastric Sleeve Surgery will not be modified. The key is that after the surgery, you should not scarf down a whole large pie all at once-you would need to space out your slices so you don’t overindulge.

The Procedure Is Rapid And Painless

The procedure for sleeve gastrectomy is minimally invasive and performed laparoscopically. This ensures that the surgery is fast, simple, easy to recover from, and less dangerous than other procedures performed with large incisions. It is completely painless as you will be under sedation throughout the process. There may be minor discomfort post-surgery, but that should subside over time.

 The Procedure Is Permanent

Unlike dieting, gastric sleeve surgery cannot be undone unless you have surgery to reverse it. This means that you will have achieved permanent weight loss and, therefore, a better chance at living a healthier, more active lifestyle.

The Results Are Immediate

The sleeve gastrectomy procedure changes the anatomy of your stomach so that you can naturally eat less, starting immediately. You will feel full on a smaller amount of food, and you’ll notice your weight going down immediately.

It’s Safe

While any surgery has a degree of risk, a sleeve gastrectomy is one of the safest surgical procedures performed today. Weight loss is never without risk, and even the most diligent dieter still struggles with weight issues. A sleeve gastrectomy ensures that you lose weight for good and eliminates your risk of severe obesity-related complications such as heart disease, type II diabetes, stroke, and high blood pressure.

It’s Easier To Define A Successful Recovery

As with any surgery, there is a recovery period after the sleeve gastrectomy. Rather than trying to hit an arbitrary number on a scale or clothing size for a successful recovery, you’ll know that you have met your goal when your stomach is reduced to a tiny fraction of its original size.

Surgery Is 100% Effective!

Surgery is effective for both weight loss and resolution of type 2 diabetes. This means that if you have surgery, you will not need to take medication for either the rest of your life!

Live Longer

Research shows that individuals with severe obesity live, on average, six to eight years less than those who are normal weight. Sleeve gastrectomy surgery is used as a tool for significant long-term weight loss, which reduces the risk of premature death.

Cure Your Sleep Apnea

Sleeve gastrectomy surgery has been shown to treat sleep apnea. Sleep Apnea is a disorder that causes people to stop breathing while they are sleeping and can lead to high blood pressure and other issues.

It seems like everything these days is promoted to help you lose weight. If you turn on the TV, there’s always an infomercial; read magazines; or go online, and you’re bound to find something that will work for you. Many individuals try out these diets with high expectations but end up disappointed when they don’t see results. The issue with these diets is that they focus on calorie restriction and portion control. The problem with this approach is that it doesn’t help you to establish new, healthy habits. In fact, many people feel so discouraged when they don’t see results after trying several diets that they just give up altogether. For individuals who are not getting the desired results from diets, weight loss surgery may be a great option. A Gastric Sleeve Maryland will help you lose weight because there are NO dietary restrictions or exercises to do after your surgery. You just eat less, and your body takes care of the rest.

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