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Most Common Heart Issues

Heart Issues

Heart diseases are very common across the world. Millions of people die every year due to different types of heart problems and the numbers are increasing at an alarming rate. Thus, you must know about the most common heart issues, which will help you stay alert.

The heart is indeed one of the most complex organs and it has a vital role to play in keeping us healthy and alive. Each part of the heart needs to work properly so that you can lead a healthy life. For example, mitral valve stenosis is a condition wherein the mitral valve of the heart is narrowed, and this creates a blockage in the path of blood circulation, which is indeed deadly.  In this article, we are going to discuss common issues that might impact the different parts of the organ in different ways.

Congenital Heart Disease

This issue occurs at birth and can range from a small hole in the heart to a more severe case. Most of these cases can be treated with surgery. However, in several cases, people do not experience any symptoms of this problem till they reach adulthood, and in some cases, there are no symptoms throughout their lifetime.


Coronary Artery Disease

Just like in the case of mitral valve stenosis the mitral valve of the heart is narrowed, in CAD the arteries become too narrow to supply blood and oxygen to the heart. This primarily occurs due to cholesterol build-up on the artery walls, which forms plaque. This, in turn, reduces the blood flow causing severe health issues.


Heart Arrhythmia

This happens when the heart can no longer regulate electrical impulses which help in coordinating the heartbeat. Because of this issue, your heart might start beating too fast or too slow. In some cases, this issue is harmless and causes minor discomfort, but there can also be severe cases of heart arrhythmia. In such situations, you would need immediate medical attention.

Dilated Cardiomyopathy

This can be considered a life-threatening condition that occurs when the left ventricle of your heart gets enlarged. This keeps the blood flowing, which is not at all good. If not treated on time, it can cause your heart muscles to gradually weaken, and slowly it would not be able to pump the blood as effectively. It would also lead your kidney to retain more sodium and fluids, which would build up in various organs of your body.

All the above instances are severe and life-threatening. The only way to prevent yourself from acquiring heart disease is by following a healthy lifestyle and going to the doctor regularly. Even if you feel the slightest discomfort, you should contact your doctor, ask him for his advice and follow his instructions. This will help you lead a healthier and heartier life.

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