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The Facelift, Procedure And Results

If you were looking for procedures that could help you get rid of wrinkles and fine lines on your face, you might have come across the facelift procedure. However, before you decide to go through with this procedure, there are a couple of things you need to know beforehand. 

The best thing you can do is find a good clinic and a reputable doctor, and have a consultation. A doctor will be able to tell you all you need to know about this procedure. If you are interested you can check out a cosmetic surgeon in Double Bay like Dr Hodgkinson, or search locally instead. It all depends on where you are from.

Learn more about the procedure before you go through with it!

An overview

So, how much do you know about the facelift procedure? It is also called rhytidectomy and it is important that you learn more about the procedure before you go through with it. Well, the facelift is a surgical cosmetic procedure, and it is designed to help you look younger. It will reduce the sagging skin and folds on your face.

During the procedure, your doctor will make cuts on each side of your face, and then pull your skin back, after which the tissue below your skin will be surgically altered, to bring back the natural contour that makes you look younger. The excess skin will be removed as well, and this procedure can often be done with a brow or neck lift; sometimes other procedures as well.

Why is it done?

There are many other procedures that you could consider, but the facelift is definitely one of the most popular ones. It is performed to give you a youthful appearance. Some of us are not as lucky as others, and our skin might sag a lot more, giving us a tired and older look.

How about the risks?

As you might have already guessed, every procedure and surgery, no matter how minimal, will have some risks included. The same applies to the facelift procedure, and it is the best option to talk to your doctor if you are interested in knowing more about the risks in general. You can check out best face lift surgery in Sydney with Dr Hodgkinson or schedule a consultation with your doctor instead.

Some of the risks are hematoma, scarring, injury to nerves, hair loss around the cut, skin loss, and others. It is important that you talk to your doctor and follow the orders that you will be given before you go through with the surgery; such as to stop smoking, stop taking certain medications and others.

Final word

There are many different procedures you can consider today, and they are all designed to bring back your natural beauty or enhance it. However, you need to make sure that when you are going through a plastic or cosmetic surgery you know more about the procedure and possible risks.

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