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Tonsil Stone Treatments That Don’t Involve Surgery

Tonsil Stone Treatments

Tonsil stones or tonsillitis as it is sometimes called can cause a lot of humiliation to those who have them. If left untreated these stones can cause very bad breath and a creamy white substance to build up within the tonsils. If you have a social life you care about then you will definitely want to learn how to remove tonsil stones effectively.

The problem there is that there are many different treatments for tonsil stones, but only a handful of them actually work. Most people are recommended to undergo surgery where their tonsils are removed completely. This can seem a little too extreme for some people so this is why we’ve decided to list some of the best home remedies for tonsil stones. Thanks to these remedies below you won’t have to worry about undergoing surgery just to get rid of these nasty looking balls.

By far the easiest way to get rid of your tonsil stones is to use what you already have handy. The toothbrush can help get those stones out if you can push against them at the right angle. If you do use this remedy be sure to use the back of your toothbrush where you will have better control of how you force them out. After you push out the stones you should gargle your mouth with a little mouthwash to help prevent them from coming back again.

Probably a little more effective than the toothbrush method is to drink drinks that are carbonated. The carbonation of these drinks help remove stones by dissolving them. It’s an almost acid like effect that the carbonated drinks have on the tonsil stones stuck inside your tonsil pockets. Simply buy any drink considered to be carbonated like sodas and drink them to help reduce the size and appearance of your stones.

Using a water pik can also be very effective when it comes to removing tonsil stones without surgery. Put the device on the lowest setting possible and aim it at the stones towards the back of your mouth inside your tonsils. Spray the stones gently until they fall out. When they do fall out make sure you gargle your mouth afterward with a good mouthwash to make sure that none of them get left behind. You can find a good water pik for this task at any pharmacy, and they’re pretty cheap too.


These tonsil stone removal methods are very helpful and don’t come with nearly the amount of risks or price tag as surgical procedures that may not even be worth it in the long run. When you use these remedies they are more effective when you eat a diet that helps prevent stones from forming in the first place. Other than your diet you should also try to stop some bad habits that could be contributing to the formation of stones as well such as alcohol, smoking, and drinking drinks that contain a lot of sugar in it.

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