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Tucson Spine Institute Helps Accident Victims Recover From Spine Injuries

Tucson Spine

No one would like to be a victim of a car, truck or bus accident. But, even as a responsible driver of your vehicle, you are still susceptible to being involved in an accident. No doubt a collision between automobiles or trucks are hazardous and can have a devastating impact on one’s health. Particularly your spine.

Under such circumstances, the best way to get back on track and get on with your life is by visiting a health practitioner at a trusted Spine Institute Tucson for treating and correcting spine injuries.

There are a couple of things you need to know before visiting a spine health center in Tucson, AZ to recover from severe back pain in your spine:

Spine Health Institutes in Tucson handling neck or back injuries as a result of people being involved in a heavy-duty vehicle accident require specialized knowledge as such cases are often a bit more complex.

Neck Injuries from Being Involved in a Vehicle Accident

Severe neck injuries may be the result of a whiplash in an auto accident, or even from falling or getting a direct blow to the back of the head.

Your Tucson spine health practitioner would refer to a neck-related headache that is caused by neck problems such as a whiplash as a cervicogenic injury.

Arm heaviness and pain may be caused by a nerve compression that stems from a herniated disc. In most cases, arm pain is referred pain that originates from the neck area. Even pain that you experience between your shoulder blades would be regarded as referred pain.

Lower back pain is often experienced after a whiplash incident and caused by injury to the sacroiliac joints, facet joints of the lower back, and the discs.

Patients who’ve been involved in an auto accident would suffer from sleep disturbance due to severe neck or back pain. Other symptoms they may suffer from would be blurry vision, tingling in the face, ringing in the ears, and fatigue.

What you need to remedy the situation is:

It is no fun getting caught up in a car accident. However, it is very reassuring that you can soon recover from your injuries by visiting your Spine Institute Tucson.

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