Concussion Treatment: Few Natural Ways To Manage Your Condition Better

It can be quite frightening to know that you have suffered a concussion. You may experience some serious symptoms as well, like dizziness, loss of hearing, confusion, and disorientation. However, it is quite interesting to know that more than 80% of concussions do not lead to serious complications, especially when managed in a timely manner.

In most cases, you need to work with your healthcare provider and take plenty of rest for at least three weeks after your injury to recover properly – children usually need longer but adults may recover in less than three weeks with proper concussion treatment. With millions of people suffering from a concussion each year, it makes great sense to learn about a few natural ways to treat and manage your condition better.

Take Plenty of Sleep and Rest

Many people are of the view that you should not let someone fall asleep if they have suffered a concussion. The truth is that sleep is actually the best concussion treatment after the person has been evaluated medically to rule out any possible complications. You need to give your brain time to heal after a head injury like concussion.

It means that getting plenty of physical rest is important but it is equally important to mental rest your brain to promote healing and recovery. You should avoid using computer or other devices that keep your brain engaged. Simply sleeping for long enough would do the trick. If you are technology junkie, be sure to introduce those devices slowly into your routine.

Children should take a break from school. Adults who have to operate heavy machinery or equipment should avoid the activities for a few weeks. Maintaining your balance may become a bit difficult while recovering from a concussion, so you should not try to push yourself to return to your normal routine.

Light Exercise

Where rest is of paramount importance, staying active is essential too. After a few days of complete rest, you should introduce light exercise into your routine. Adding light activity to your routine would improve blood flow and accelerate recovery. Studies have found that activity helps lower risk of post-concussive symptoms. However, you need to keep in mind that introducing light activity to your routine is not the same as returning to competitive sports.

Fish Oil

Using fish oil may as well be a good way to promote recovery. Many studies have confirmed that fish oil reduces inflammation and helps sped up recovery. You may also benefit from increasing your intake of omega3 rich foods, such as walnuts, flaxseed, grass-fed beef, wild-caught salmon, and grass-fed dairy.

In addition, you may benefit from taking creatine, turmeric, and antioxidant-rich foods. Some people have also confirmed that drinking caffeine is like receiving a concussion treatment because it helps manage headaches better. Just remember that though taking these abovementioned measures may help, they are not a substitute to proper medical concussion treatment. So, do everything after discussing it with your healthcare provider.