The Greatest Details In Hemp For You

Impressions of the hemp plant have already been found on Chinese pots from 4000 BC. The Chinese mainly used hemp for textiles, but also as a medicine. In 2737 BC the use of cannabis was already described in Chinese medical writings.

In India it was used during religious ceremonies. The god Shiva (the creator and destroyer of humanity) loved cannabis. At certain festivals, cannabis is sacrificed to the Hindu god Shiva.

In ancient religious scriptures, a cannabis drink is described as a divine drink, good for everything that man needs. In Lovehemp you can have the best deal.

England, Usa And France

The English used the hemp plant for making textiles. They did not use it as a drug. In the American colonies of England, cultivation was actively encouraged, among other things, for the production of rope and marine equipment.

At George Washington, the first president of the United States, hemp grew in the garden. He was aware of the medical properties. Queen Victoria’s physician also saw it as a cure for cough, headache, asthma and menstrual pains. At that time, cannabis was also available in the US. For example, it was processed into a candy. Advertisements are also known in which ‘Indian Cigarettes or Cannabis’ are promoted as a remedy for asthma and insomnia.

In recent years you can no longer ignore it: you see cannabis oil appearing almost every week in both traditional and social media. The use of this oil is increasingly accepted as ‘normal’ and the health benefits of this oil are becoming better known. The use of cannabis oil is nowadays so normal that you can simply order it online. But for what reasons is cannabis oil actually so popular?

Health benefits 

The use of cannabis oil has many medicinal benefits. For example, it can reduce chronic pain, help epilepsy patients with their seizures, reduce stress, prevent nausea and vomiting and promote sleep.

European legality 

In Switzerland you can find cigarettes with cannabinoids in the supermarket next to the normal cigarettes. Even in countries such as Ireland, there is active debate about the legalization of cannabis oil. More and more European countries are fighting for the legality of this natural resource, and it is therefore increasingly accepted as normal.

No high 

Unlike other means such as hashish or marijuana, cannabis oil ensures that the user does not experience a high. Only the physical benefits are noticeable, while the mental and emotional part of our being remains sharp and alert.

Good availability 

Due to the general acceptance of cannabis oil, the oil is also increasingly available. You don’t have to dive into a coffee shop to get this oil; you can simply order it online or pick it up from the pharmacy via prescription.

Age-old healing 

Cannabis oil is not new in the world. Although it has only been actively present in the news in recent years, and the effects are regularly investigated, it has been used for centuries. It was only rediscovered in the 90s by Rick Simpson, who tried to reduce headache and early skin cancer. The results were successful and from that moment cannabis oil was included in the news and the popularity grew.