10 Best Home Remedies For Heart Attack

Heart attack is one of the current leading killers. Below is home remedies are beneficial more so when you are either abroad and out of any European country or you are having problems and thus you cannot access health services thereof. The following are the ten best home remedies for heart attack.

Calm a flutter

First, when you experience an irregular heartbeat sit down and prop your feet while breathing slowly and ensure your belly expand as you breathe deeply. This will function to bring back the normal heart beat. In any case it fails the do what is known as valsalva manoeuvre. Herein you pinch your nose try to exhale as you while opening your mouth. To restore your heart beat to the normal status it has also been suggested that you should cough forcefully for it has the effect increasing pressure inside your chest.

Take cold water

You can gulp cold water; swallowed water has the effect of causing the Oesophagus to press against one’s heart thus restoring the normal heart rhythm.

Get some sleep and avoid stress

Avoid stress and get some sleep, most of the times stress has be related to circumstances where you are experiencing palpitations. A sleep for a few minutes will thus serve to soothe stress and relax your mind thus avoids blood pressure.


Fourth, regular exercise is very essential for your health. You should ask your body with aerobic exercise at least three or four time a week. The exercise should not be so extreme it should allow you to comfortably carry on a conversion in case there is one. This is very essential for your health.


Research has proven that consumption of garlic everyday reduces the productions of LDL cholesterol and raises the production of HDL cholesterol and it keeps the blood pressure to remain within the normal limits. Regular consumption of garlic also has the effect of improving blood circulation and reducing the chances of experiencing harmful blood platelet aggregation.

Peanut butter

Eat two tablespoons of peanut butter which is rich in vitamin E so as to get a third of daily intake of vitamin E.



Consume cayenne which contains capsaicin that improves the elasticity of the blood vessels thus helping them to stay healthy. It generally improves the functioning of cardiovascular system consequently keeping one’s blood pressure in range.


Research has shown that intake of ginger helps in the reduction of clots in the blood vessels, clots facilitates the occurrences of heart diseases.

Black beans

Helps in keeping your heart healthy, black beans contain B-complex vitamins, niacin, magnesium, omega_3 fatty acids soluble fibre and calcium. These nutrients function to control both cholesterol and blood sugar levels.

Use of supplements

Helps for example when you have an irregular heart rhythm due to low magnesium you can take 400 milligrams of magnesium twice a day. If you are experiencing heart a disease you can also take coenzyme Q10 which keeps your heart rhythm regular.

Author Bio:

Annie Bonneville is a Passionate blogger. She works on behalf of ni card. She has been writing contents on the web professionally since 2006. As an avid reader and blogger she shares her experience through articles on Travel, Education, Technology, Parenting and many more.