How Is Obesity Related To Knee Problems?

Obesity and knee problems are the most common problems nowadays. In women, it is generally observed that they are having some knee problems after 40’s. It starts occurring at a very early age but that can be tolerated. As after the age of 40, the bone health and the calcium level decreases the pain reaches the peak. It is the time when people get concerned. If people keep track of their diseases early they get cured totally. It is highly recommended that do not ignore any pain you are feeling and consult any doctor immediately.


Obesity and Knee Problem:

People nowadays are very much concerned about their body weight and their outer look. But still, there are some people who suffer from high hormonal problems or other diseases that lead to obesity. Obesity then welcomes various other life-threatening diseases like diabetes, cholesterol, heart problems and many others. But obesity or overweight of the body has a clear relation to the knee problems also. If someone is carrying overweight for a longer period of time the knees tend to get weaker for obvious reasons. In a study, it was observed that most of the people with knee problems were overweight. Between the joints, there is a cartilage which is very smooth and helps the bones to glide on each other easily by reducing the friction. But due to having overweight for a very long period of time the cartilage is broken down and the bones hurt each other which cause the pain and results in Osteoarthritis.


Surgical Procedure: Surgery is one of the most common treatments for the knee problems. Knee replacement surgery in India is increasing day by day. But one thing people must understand that knee replacement is not the ending of your pain. There are various restrictions and side effects of this surgery. If the condition is not the worst, doctors do not recommend it. One must try other procedures before going through surgery. But here comes another twist. Obese people have a high risk to grow infection after the surgery. That is why doctors generally do not take the risk. They first go through the bariatric surgery (to cut down the fats) than the knee replacement surgery.

Exercise: Exercise is the best treatment and precaution for knee problems. If the people with overweight start losing weight they tend to have lesser pain in the knees. Exercise not only reduces the body fat but also helps to decrease other diseases that occurred due to overweight. Doctors always prescribe to lose weight if any obese person is having such problems because it’s harder to treat them with surgery and other medication.

Physiotherapy: It is a harmless procedure. By this process, any person can get relief from any pain. This is very effective and is accepted by all.

Conclusion: It is now clear that obesity has a direct relationship with knee problems. To reduce the knee pain one must reduce the body weight first. By doing exercise and physiotherapy together one can get enough relief and also get cured totally.